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Belle Âme

“Remember the entrance to the sanctuary is inside you” Rumi

Friday 15th November - Sunday 17th November 2024


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Belle Âme

“Remember the entrance to the sanctuary is inside you” Rumi

Come to the heart chakra of the world and the Isle of Avalon in

Glastonbury. Here you can connect with your essence and your soul

If you are an artist, creative, facilitator, writer, film-maker, healer

or soul-preneur or want to be here you’ll get to connect and be present.

💫You’ll feel uplifted and full of possibility.

💫Meet new friends, start new projects.

💫Feel inspired by the beauty of our surroundings at Chalice Well Gardens - you’ll leave excited by what’s possible for you when you express from your heart and your soul.

“"My experience at this event allowed me to engage at ​a much deeper and meaningful level with the Universe ​and everyone in it. Pure unadulterated Bliss" Ian

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What to expect

“Souls don’t meet by accident - they’re in each other all along” Rumi

Mostly people coming to these events don’t quite know what led them here. But once you arrive you’ll feel like you’re in just the right place at just the right time.

You’ll be immersed in the beautiful, calm and peaceful, natural environment of Chalice Well Gardens and Glastonbury.

"Being in your beautiful events, around other beautiful ​souls reminds me of my essence. Your work is very ​powerful" Miriam

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What You’ll Do

Enjoy immersive group activities, alone time & creative exercises designed to make your soul shine.

Find yourself unblocked and uplifted through beautiful rituals, movement, meditation, music, deep connection, soul expression and the natural environment.

A”bsolutely stunning, I’m so inspired by all this beauty you have created” Olga

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Theme - Freedom

It’s amazing how many limitations we place on ourselves in our lives.

When actually we are completely and totally free.

In this accepting, non-judgmental and magically natural place you’ll get a tangible sense of what freedom feels like. Free to be your real, unabashed self. Say what you want and do what you want. And you’ll be given ways to recreate that sense of real freedom in your life afterwards too.

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How you Might Feel after

✨ Inspired with natural beauty and a magical place

✨Calmer and more clear about who you are and how to do what you want to do next

✨Unblocked and uplifted

✨A sense of inner strength, contentment and self-confidence

✨Connected to yourself, your intuition, the landscape and everyone there

✨Free to be you

✨Excited by what’s possible for you

“Amazing and beauitiful your energy was so vibrant it was catching. What a spectacular ritual” Kath

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The Isle of Avalon

On the magical Isle of Avalon in Glastonbury, the heart chakra of the world come and find your soul.

Feel yourself immersed in rose petal bliss

Experience the beauty magic and nature of this beautiful place.

These events are a creative opportunity to stop, re-connect, get unblocked and immerse yourself in the magic of your own soul.

This is for anyone who yearns to feel more connected with their own soul, with nature and with one another and allow themselves to be transformed by the energy and power of love.

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Red Rose Petals
Red Rose Petals
Red Rose Petals
Red Rose Petals
Red Rose Petals
Red Rose Petals
Red Rose Petals

"I loved the exercise we did in the evening at Chalice ​Well Gardens- " Immersion into Rose Petal Love" It's ​one of the most moving things I've done " Aryan

“No coward soul is mine,

No trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere:

I see Heaven’s glories shine,

And faith shines equal, arming me from Fear …”

Emily Bronte

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Who isThis For?

This is for you if you are an artist, creative, soul-preneur or person who wants to live life with more soul and alive self-expression.

This is for you if you want to reconnect with your essence.

This is for you if you want to feel in flow of with your natural magic and express yourself more openely and clearly in the world

This is for you if you want to experience the magic of Glastonbury, whether it's for the 1st or 21st time!

And so if you have been feeling:

disconnected, lethargic, afraid, indecisive, lacking confidence or uncertain. This event will uplift you, transform you, show you how to open your heart and integrate the reality of who you really are in a beautiful environment that will stay a part of you for a long time to come.

"It was magical! Thank you for a truly ​amazing event, where we felt and enjoyed the ​connection with one another." Marisa

Themes - Connection

Most of us are lonely.

Most of us feel alone.

When you feel connected with your own soul, when you’ve had a tangible experience of connection with the fabric of the landscape, with nature and with the elements you’ll realise that you are never alone and be freed of that illusion with tools to get you re-connected when you forget.

Day One

2pm Arrivals and check-ins

3pm Welcoming Ceremony

4pm Sharing from the Heart Circle

6pm-7.30pm Sauna (optional)

7.30-9.30pm Group dinner together in town (optional)

“You showed me that I can feel vulnerable ​and insecure and still feel safe and loved at ​the same time” Antony


8am - 10am Private Morning Ceremony at Chalice Well*

10.00am Group activity on Glastonbury Tor

12-2pm Lunch

2pm Meditation to Connect with Your Soul

3pm Crystal Creative Crafts

4pm Soul Retrieval Embodied Practice

5pm Closing Circle Day 2

7pm-9pm Setting our Sovereign Intentions with music, movement and dance

I loved the way we all integrated initially meeting as strangers ​and then the subsequent love that grew among us” Sandra


10.00am Get Unblocked Ritual

12-1pm Lunch

1pm Clarity and Direction Exercises

2pm The 7-Veils Process

3pm Closing Crowning

4pm Close

I'm really glad I went - I know exactlyhow I’m going to change my life” "

Beauty is one of the most underrated of all our senses.

You’ll discover what all of the greatest artists, poets and town planners did.

That to be immersed in an environment slow enough to appreicate the beauty around you and within you can be one of the most transormational experiences of our lives

Themes - Beauty

The Background

After many years of running Events of Love, in person, at festivals, in London, Somerset, Scotland, Bristol, Europe and online. One day during my stay at Coed Hills in South Wales November - I took a walk alone in the stone circle at the bottom of the land. This retreat came to me then in full. Every structure, every feeling, every magic. All the exercises dropped into place one by one. All the elementals showed up to guide it. The music. Our connection. All of it and I knew then that I’d host it in Glastonbury where the seat of love resides. Since then several themes based on connection, possibility, freedom, joy and beauty come to me. This is Belle Âme. For all those souls who yearn to be free

And so it is a blend of nature, ​elemental connection, my own ​personal connection

to the magic of the universe and ​love.

And it combines ritual, ceremony, ​beauty,

connection exercises, music, ​movement,

meditation, guided visualisation ​and more to

create a very beautiful and unique ​experience for


The Outcome

✨ Inspired with natural beauty and a magical place

✨Calmer and more clear about who you are and how to do what you want to do next

✨Unblocked and uplifted

✨A sense of inner strength, contentment and self-confidence

✨Connected to yourself, your intuition, the landscape and everyone there

✨Free to be you

✨Excited by what’s possible for you

"On the way home I just simply felt more “in” myself. The ​anxiety that usually riddles me when I travel had gone” ​Some weeks later I’m still feeling the same. Centred. ​Somehow more confident and comfortable in my own skin. ​My boundaries are clearer. I’m still kind and empathic but ​I can say “no” and mean it” This is a big deal. Thank you. ​“Jayne

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About our Location

"These events are filled with joy and laughter. You'll find ​there's no surprise in connecting with someone you've just ​met; soul to soul, heart to heart (with a hug of course). It's ​such a beautifully profound and meaningful experience to ​feel the divine within every one.” Daisy

Why is Glastonbury identified as the ancient and mysterious Isle of Avalon where King Arthur

was taken to be healed of his fatal Battle wounds? Surely, Glastonbury lies in the middle of Somerset, miles from the sea. How could it ever have been considered an island?

Anyone who knows the area can tell you that Glastonbury is built on high ground surrounded on all sides by the Somerset Levels, some of the flattest land in the country. Today it is a rich agricultural area due to massive drainage over the centuries. In the Dark Ages, however, the Levels were marshland and Glastonbury stood proud as an island

owering above them. Hence, its ancient British name was Ynys Witrin, which may translate as "Island of Glass," though this is disputed. "Island of St. Gwytherin" is a more plausible

xplanation. He may have lived in the Dark Age buildings excavated on the Tor. Glastonbury was cut off from the mainland by a defensive bank and ditch known today as "Ponter's

all," while Pomparles (Pont-Perles) or the Perilous Bridge, kept communications open with land to the south. Some say, it was at the latter that Bedwyr returned Excalibur to the

swirling waters after the Battle of Camlann.

An island then, certainly, but why Avalon? Avalon was the Otherworld home of one of the Celtic Otherworld Gods, Afallach. Both names relate to the Apples that grew in this mystical land of the dead and show Avalon's possible relationship to other legendary realms such as the Garden of the Hesperides from Greek Mythology. Obviously, this is where a Celtic King, such as Arthur, would go when near to death, but there is still no hint of an identification with Glastonbury. The dubious Isle of Glass interpretation of the place-name could relate to Caer-Wydyr or "Fort of Glass," a third name for part of the Celtic Otherworld; but the real confirmation comes when you hear and old legend about Glastonbury Tor.

The Tor, that dominates the countryside around Glastonbury, is said to be the entrance to Annwfn, the Celtic Otherworld, and the Palace of Gwyn ap Nudd, the primary Otherworld God (and Afallach's brother), stands within it. The 7th century hermit, St. Collen was often

old that Gwyn lived there, but the saint would have none of it; until, one day, he was invited to visit by one of the God's fairy-folk followers. He entered the Tor and the Fairy Palace, and

at through a fairy banquet but refused to eat anything. He then flung holy-water all around him and all his surroundings disappeared!

So Glastonbury was considered to be the entrance to the Celtic Otherworld, be it Annwfn or Avalon, and the town's claim to be the Isle of Avalon may not be quite as outrageous as some think.


The Isle of Avalon?

Why is Glastonbury identified as the ancient and mysterious Isle of Avalon where King Arthur

was taken to be healed of his fatal Battle wounds? Surely, Glastonbury lies in the middle of Somerset, miles from the sea. How could it ever have been considered an island?

Anyone who knows the area can tell you that Glastonbury is built on high ground surrounded on all sides by the Somerset Levels, some of the flattest land in the country. Today it is a rich agricultural area due to massive drainage over the centuries. In the Dark Ages, however, the Levels were marshland and Glastonbury stood proud as an island towering above them. Hence, its ancient British name was Ynys Witrin, which may translate as "Island of Glass," though this is disputed. "Island of St. Gwytherin" is a more plausible explanation. He may have lived in the Dark Age buildings excavated on the Tor. Glastonbury was cut off from the mainland by a defensive bank and ditch known today as "Ponter's Ball," while Pomparles (Pont-Perles) or the Perilous Bridge, kept communications open with land to the south. Some say, it was at the latter that Bedwyr returned Excalibur to the swirling waters after the Battle of Camlann.

An island then, certainly, but why Avalon? Avalon was the Otherworld home of one of the Celtic Otherworld Gods, Afallach. Both names relate to the Apples that grew in this mystical land of the dead and show Avalon's possible relationship to other legendary realms such as the Garden of the Hesperides from Greek Mythology. Obviously, this is where a Celtic King, such as Arthur, would go when near to death, but there is still no hint of an identification with Glastonbury. The dubious Isle of Glass interpretation of the place-name could relate to Caer-Wydyr or "Fort of Glass," a third name for part of the Celtic Otherworld; but the real confirmation comes when you hear and old legend about Glastonbury Tor.

The Tor, that dominates the countryside around Glastonbury, is said to be the entrance to Annwfn, the Celtic Otherworld, and the Palace of Gwyn ap Nudd, the primary Otherworld God (and Afallach's brother), stands within it. The 7th century hermit, St. Collen was often told that Gwyn lived there, but the saint would have none of it; until, one day, he was invited to visit by one of the God's fairy-folk followers. He entered the Tor and the Fairy Palace, and sat through a fairy banquet but refused to eat anything. He then flung holy-water all around him and all his surroundings disappeared!

So Glastonbury was considered to be the entrance to the Celtic Otherworld, be it Annwfn or Avalon, and the town's claim to be the Isle of Avalon may not be quite as outrageous as some think.

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Emily has an intuitive sense of just ​what your heart needs.

She emits this essence of movement and flow that can lead anyone through doors and open the path in front of them. It’s like she holds the key to all that your heart desires and all that your energy requires

If you want to be more creative in your life, if you want to start a business, publish a book, create an event or express more of who you really are in the world she can instill within you self-belief and a sense of excitment of what is possible for y ou - she can see it before you can.

Blending her eons of wisdom and experience with natural connection ability and intuition she’s created a service which bridges the gap between the intuitive esoteric and energetic with down to earth, grounded practical work so that you can get the love, support and enthusiasm to support you on a journey back into the centre of your own heart and then into connection with yourself, and your work and alive in your life. .

If you want to re-connect with yourself and remove any barriers to being the real you. Create and choreograph your life the way you want it to be so that you can fulfil your dreams and live with a sense of joy and expansion then this weekend is for you.

At my events I am in the lap of joy.

My joy at being together with you.

It is catching.

Joy is your natural birthright.

It is only the thoughts that get in the way of your entitlement to natural joy that blocks it.

When you were a child, before the ways of the world had shaped you - there was pure joy. At simple things.

Here, we’ll reconnect to that feeling.

And experience pure joy once again.

Themes - Joy

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“When you do things from your soul,

you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”


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What's Included

🪷2.5 Days Rose Petal Infused Bliss

🪷All activities to unleash your soul’s real expression

🪷Powerful Heart Opening Meditations

🪷Private Morning Ceremony at Chalice Well Gardens

🪷Welcome Dinner

🪷Opening and Closing Ceremony

🪷Guided exercises to change past patterns

🪷Energetic Soul Sharing Circles

🪷Music and Movement and Dance

🪷Introduction to aspects of Glastonbury Life

🪷Gently designed and facilitated activities to inspire you with what is possible once you express from your soul

🪷Integration Zoom 6-weeks after the event

🪷Rose Petal Ritual + many others

🪷Whether you are an artist, creative or business owner this is an opportunity to feel yourself connected with your own soul, with others and with the earth.

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What's Not Included

Accommodation Massages



Pricing and reservations

2.5 days of heart opening, pattern changing soul connection, beauty, freedom, transformation experiences and connection

🌟Tickets are £333

🌟First 2 Tickets are £275.

🌟Buy 2 tickets together at the same time for £500. (and bring a friend or colleague!)

Need help getting here? On acceptance of your application form and deposit payment you will receive:

A list of recommended Glastonbury Accommodations

A list of what to bring

A history and energy reading of Glastonbury

A draft Itinery for the whole experience

Book a connection call with host Emily to learn why this has come at the right time for you and to ask any questions.

“I don’t know anyone with ​Emily’s energy and pure ​passion for helping others ​and bringing people ​together" Oliver

a non-refundable deposit of £99 to reserve your place *payment plans available

No refunds but you can transfer the place to a friend

Themes - Possibility

I tell everyone at the end of the event, “if I can do this, then anyone can do anything.”

My life has been a series of just that. People telling me how to do things, or that the world works in a certain way.

It doesn’t.

Once you’re connected to your real self and experience a real feeling of freedom from all that “noise” in your head - you’ll feel for yourself the realms of possiblity for who you are and what you want to do

Pricing and reservations

2.5 days of heart opening, pattern changing soul connection, beauty, freedom, transformation experiences and connection

🌟Tickets are £333

🌟First 2 Tickets are £275

🌟Buy 2 tickets together at the same time for £500.(and bring a friend or colleague!)

“I don’t know anyone with Emily’s energy and pure passion for helping others and bringing people together" Oliver

a non-refundable deposit of £99 to reserve your place *payment plans available

No refunds but you can transfer the place to a friend

“Besides the autumn poets sing,

A few prosaic days

A little this side of the snow

And that side of the haze.”

Emily Dickenson

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Belle Âme

Friday 15th November - Sunday 17th November 2024


“Remember the entrance to the sanctuary is inside you” Rumi

Background Green Dark Gradient Abstract Background Texture for C

About your Host

Contemporary Blur Gradient Aura Graphic Shape

Belle Âme

“Remember the entrance to the sanctuary is inside you” Rumi

Friday 15th November - Sunday 17th November 2024


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